Flawless Websites Courses

Know-How for building Flawless Websites.

This course is designed for Nonprofits and Solopreneurs. It contains a complete suite of know-how, tasks, and tools needed to design, setup, and manage a website that effectively promotes, engages, and transforms site visitors into loyal fans and followers.

1. Strategy

The course is holistic and starts by providing important strategy tips, because strategy directly defines and determines the quality of the content and the experience users will have on your site.

2. Data

Next the course looks at Data. The data your site collects is easily your most valuable asset. These are people who give you their personal information and permission to communicate with them directly via email. The course provides clear directions for:

  • Setting up an email list;
  • What custom fields to create;
  • How-to create web forms that collect valuable user data;

3. Website

Your website is a direct interface into what you have to offer. It is also an interactive tool for collecting valuable user feedback and data. The course features step-by-step directions and templates:

  • Writing compelling content that search engines will like;
  • What pages your site needs;
  • How to setup a support process and form that keeps users happy when they have an issue;
  • Privacy policy and terms of use agreement templates that keep your site legally compliant.
  • Effective landing page templates;
  • Email opt-in form design templates;
  • Forms to email list integration tips;