
WooCommerce Style Fixes

Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $9.99.

WooCommerce Style Fixes cleans up and refines the styling of default WooCommerce product, checkout, order, and account page layouts. Styles (CSS) and text-replacements are fully customizable.



WooCommerce Style Fixes cleans up and refines the styling of default WooCommerce product, checkout, order, and account page layouts.

WooCommerce is an awesome turn-key e-commerce solution. It offers full flexibility to create customized user experiences for buying any kind of product online. That said, the default WooCommerce page layouts need some design tweaks out-of-the-box. WooCommerce Style fixes makes those design tweaks in minutes so you can get started selling.

What design tweaks are we talking about? Things like: setting ‘Title Case’ for all titles, buttons, and field labels; Changing the size and color of Prices so they stand out; and cleaning up spacing between things like text and buttons.

The download contains these 3 files:

  • woo-commerce-text-replacements-v1.csv
  • WooCommerce-Style-Fixes.css
  • WooCommerce Style Fixes README.pdf

The CSV file contains 47 WooCommerce text replacement strings that optimize descriptive text, and sets titles and field labels to ‘Title Case’ format.

The CSS file contains 62 style edits that clean up capitalization, font-size, and spacing issues on default WooCommerce product, checkout, order, and account page layouts.

The README file contains step-by-step directions for installing the text replacements and the CSS. It also features sample “Before” and “After” screenshot images. And, there are two support email links at the start and end of the doc.

Styles (CSS) and text-replacements are fully customizable.

WooCommerce is a registered trademark of Automatic. WooCommerce Style Fixes is a separate trade name, not affiliated with WooCommerce, for this product which is made by Edward Phelps, and sold by Flawless Websites.


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